Welcome To My Portfolio
Click on individual project samples for summary descriptions and links to the code.
LinkedIn, GitHub, Docker repository and resume links can be found near the top
right corner of this page.
All project samples below, along with many more, are open-source
and published on GitHub.
Code Samples
About Me
Originally from the Midwest, I moved to Sunnyvale, CA after college and then to Folsom, CA near Sacramento to raise a family. In 2014 I relocated to the DFW area and now live near Frisco, TX. Over the years I've had the good fortune to work with several established tech companies such as Amdahl, Sun Microsystems and Oracle as well as small start-ups like Rubrik in a variety of engineering, architecture, sales and pre-sales individual and leadership roles. I love helping customers and evangelizing disruptive information technology and its application and do my best to keep up with the constant change.
I code primarily in Python using Atom, Vim, Chrome and Visual Studio Code. These days I'm focused on infrastructure automation, full-stack development and event driven, serverless (FaaS/BaaS) design with AWS Lambda. This keeps operational considerations (and costs) to a minimum. When I need a persistent datastore, I most often use DynamoDB or RDS/MySQL.
I prefer Mac OSX and Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) for development and everyday use and first started programming in C on BSD UNIX while at Purdue. I use Vagrant with Virtualbox for my development environments. I also enjoy hacking small single-board Linux based computer (Raspberry Pi) projects and integrating home automation (Wink, LIFX, Nest, Sonos, etc.) via cloud services.
When time allows, I enjoy running, skiing, motorcycles (currently a R1200RT), as well as playing and promoting Segway Polo. Yes, that's actually a thing. I'd love to get a local team organized in the N. Dallas area!